YIPC Youth Director
September 5th, 2024
Dear YIPC Community,
We are pleased to announce that Morah Sara Klarberg is returning to her role as YIPC Youth Director for the current school year.
Under her previous leadership, the youth department engaged with hundreds of children throughout nearly 7 years, and helped create real connections between our younger members and the Kehilla.
With her return, Morah Sara will bring new energy into the program, and utilize her creativity and deep experience to expand and enhance our Shabbos morning groups, engage and train leaders, and run unique programming.
A schedule of programming, along with information about new leader recruitment and training will be shared before Rosh Hashana.
Please join us in extending a warm welcome back to Morah Sara. She can be reached via email at: youth@yipc.org
Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, Rabbi
Avraham Groll, President
Young Israel Passaic Clifton - Youth Director Job Description:
Position Overview
The Youth Director plays an important role in the life of YIPC, molding, shaping and driving the youth programs. The Youth Director is expected to infuse the programs with energy, creativity, and a love of Torah, Tefillah, Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. The Youth Director is also expected to serve as a role model to the children and youth leaders; and is the public face of the YIPC Youth Department. The Youth Director will adhere to Halachic standards as set by the Rav.
Reporting to the President, the Youth Director is responsible for directing programs for early childhood, elementary, middle school and high school ages. The Rav will be intimately involved in shaping the vision of the program, and its halachic and hashkafic Standards.
Terms of Service
This is a part-time position. The compensation package consists of the following: (1) A monthly salary, commensurate with experience (2) Shul Membership status including Yomim Noraim seats.
Responsibilities / Duties
Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following tasks:
(1) Recruit, hire, and supervise Program Leaders (i.e., local teens). Set expectations and provide training and opportunities for them to develop leadership skills and improve job performance.
(2) Shabbos Programming - Early childhood, elementary, middle-school age groups. Duties include schedule and supervising leaders, purchasing snacks and drinks, choosing the learning, games and program of the groups, and being available for consultation with parents and children regarding any issues (behavioral or otherwise) that may arise.
(3) Organize teen activities.
(4) Yom Tov Programs—Duties include, but are not limited to Shmini Atzeres/Simchas Torah Tot Hakafos program, Yomim Tovim morning groups, Shavuos Tikkun Leil Shavuos for teens and children’s learning program on the 1st day of yom tov and run other programs for Yomim Tovim as appropriate (e.g., groups during Shabbos HaGadol/Shuva Drasha).
(5) Propose, plan and implement additional programs throughout the year geared towards enhancing the connection that the youth have with the shul.
(6) Develop and maintain an annual budget for the youth department, and coordinate all invoices and receipts.
For consideration, qualified candidates should submit their resume and letter of interest to: president@yipc.org.
Thanking Morah Sara for her Incredible Work
Dear YIPC Community,
We are writing to share an important update regarding our YIPC Youth Department.
Thanks in large part to the steadfast work of our dedicated and expert youth director and leaders, 2023 marked another year of remarkable growth.
As such, it is with bitter-sweet emotion that we share the upcoming retirement of Morah Sara Klarberg as Youth Director of the YIPC.
Morah Sara’s work made a lasting impact on the youth of our Shul. Since the outset of her tenure nearly seven years ago, Morah Sara has made critical contributions to the youth department, and to the broader community as well. The systems, scheduling and programmatic elements that she innovated and developed allowed us to create a “shul experience” that our youth eagerly looked forward to participating in, and has also helped drive potential members to explore everything that YIPC has to offer. During Covid, her programming maintained a social and safe way for children to stay connected, at a time when such avenues were extremely limited.
Moreover, our teenage youth leaders have benefited tremendously from the ongoing training, mentorship, and special events that Morah Sara organized. It has not only taught them to take “achrayus” and develop leadership skills, but it also strengthened their ability to serve in roles outside the Shul (such as in summer camps, hotel programs, etc).
Many meaningful moments have resulted from Morah Sara’s passion and dedication, and she will be deeply missed.
Morah Sara is departing to spend more time with her growing family and business. Her final Shabbos with YIPC will be prior to Pesach. During this time, she will continue to run the youth department, and will actively participate in the search for our next Youth Director.
We would also like to thank her husband, Michel Klarberg, for being the person “behind the scenes” each Shabbos, and supporting Sara’s efforts.
Please join us in thanking Morah Sara for supporting the YIPC and for everything she has done to foster a sense of growth, inspiration, camaraderie and enthusiasm for Tefillah amongst our youth.
Rabbi Yaakov Glasser
Avraham Groll
October 2021: Midor L'dor Learning is BACK!!!!!
We are once again beginning our Midor L'dor learning program for fathers and children on Motzei Shabbos. The program will take place in the main shul and will begin at 7:30 pm (please see the announcements for when the schedule will change). It will include time to learn with your child, a special story, and a raffle with prizes. Refreshments will be given out at the end of the program to take home. For more information please see the flyer below or contact Rabbi Elie Rothberger @ erothberger@ybhpassaic.org .
09/15/2021: Youth Department Updates & Schedule
Dear YIPC Community,
It’s a busy time of year & our youth department has been quite busy too!
Here are some of the exciting going ons:
Shabbos programming from preschool through 6th grade has been off to a fabulous start! It is wonderful to feel the energy of the children back in shul.
Rosh Hashana groups were fabulous! Children participated in Yom Tov themed activities, davened, heard shofar & were able to be part of the shul experience.
Shabbos Shuva, in addition to regular groups, we also offered extended programming so parents could be inspired during the Rav's drasha.
Yom Kippur will feature preschool programming (3- pre1A) only based on availability of our senior leaders. Programming hours will be 10-11:30 am.
No older children will be able to "assist" on Yom Kippur so that our leaders can effectively run the preschool group. Preschoolers will enjoy stories, games, davening & snacks. (We look forward to offering more groups on Yom Kippur in the future as we train more senior leaders.)
This coming Shabbos, Parshas Ha'azinu will have regular groups for all ages.
Sukkos Programming:
We will have groups on the first Day of Yom Tov, Shabbos Chol Hamoed and Shmini Atzeres.
Groups will run from 9:50 am- end of davening for all our youth.
And, of course, Simchas Torah will feature Tot Hakafos (on Shmini Atzeres), and I look forward to seeing lots of youth participating in the shul's Simchas Torah celebration as well!
And...there is still more! Keep your eye on your inbox for a special youth event coming up after the chagim.
Wishing everyone an easy and meaningful fast, and a Gmar Chasima Tova.
Sara Klarberg
Youth Director
09/10/2021: Message from the Youth Director
Dear YIPC Family,
The YIPC youth department extends our Tanchumin to Chaim Solomon upon the passing of his dear sister, Rebecca. As you know, Chaim is a pillar of the youth department, not only leading the groups for younger boys over the past few years, but really developing the program and helping in other areas as well.
During this difficult time, the Shul is organizing meals for the Solomon family (please see the Shul email from last tonight). As the youth department, we would like to send some toys and games to the Solomon children as a gesture of nechama and hakaras hatov for all that Chaim does for our program.
We are looking for contributions of just $5-$10. We feel this will make a real impact, and hope you can participate.
Please click here to donate via the Shul’s Chesed Fund: https://www.yipc.org/form/
If you have any questions, please contact me at youth@yipc.org . Wishing you a Gmar Chasima Tova, and may we only know of Simchos.
Sara Klarberg
Youth Director
AUGUST 2021: Youth Groups ARE BACK!!!!!
Youth groups are back in session!! Please stay tuned for future Youth Programming.
04/18/2019 - Pre-Pesach Youth Event!
Pesach is on its way & the YIPC youth department is gearing up in the best way! We have created a Pesach Fun Day for YOU!
Join us on Thursday, April 18th from 9am-12pm for a morning filled with Pesach activities & fun!
This is a drop off program for children ages 3-5th grade - so you can clean, work or even relax (just kidding!)
MEMBERS: $12 per child, max of $36 per family.
FRIENDS: $16 per child, max of $48 per family.
Advance registration is required! Click HERE TO SIGN UP NOW! We can't accept people at the door.
Questions/Info: Contact Sara Younger, our Youth Director, at youth@yipc.org
02/18/2019 - Pre-Purim Katan Celebration!
Attention 1st-4th graders!
Adar is here & we are getting into the spirit! Join us for a pre-Purim Katan celebration on Monday, February 18, 2019 (PRESIDENTS DAY!) from 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM in our social hall. Sit back, relax, laugh, and enjoy as THE AMAZING JUGGLING MOISH rides his unicycle, juggles, and performs lots of fun tricks!
MEMBERS: $5 per child, max of $20 per family.
FRIENDS: $8 per child, max of $32 per family.
Advance registration is required! Click HERE TO SIGN UP NOW! We can't accept people at the door.
Questions/Info: Contact Sara Younger, our Youth Director, at youth@yipc.org
11/28/2018 - Pre-Chanukah Celebration!
Attention 1st-6th graders!
Chanukah is almost here & we are getting into the spirit! Join us for a pre-Chanukah celebration on Wednesday November 28th from 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM in our social hall. Participate in a Chanukah challenge, make a real, usable menorah, snack on doughnuts & hear an amazing story
Cost: $8 per child, max of $24 per family.Advance registration is required! We cant accept people at the door.
BONUS CHESED OPPORTUNITY: Join the YIPC Youth Department Chanukah Toy Drive that will benefit the Passaic/Clifton Bikur Cholim Toy Drive! Please consider bringing a new toy/craft/game or even gift card. Morah Sara will then drop everything off.
Questions/Info: Contact Sara Younger, our Youth Director, at youth@yipc.org
10/14/2018 - Rizzo's Reptiles will be visiting YIPC!
In honor of Parshas Noach, come enjoy a wonderful live animal show featuring some friendly reptiles - including a baby alligator! The cost is $5 for YIPC members (max of $15 per family) and $8 for guests ($24 max per family).
The show will take place between 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, and is geared for children in pre-school through 4th grade. Advance registration required!
Youth Program - Journey to Israel - Sunday afternoon, April 29, 2018 from 2:30 pm-4:00 pm for pre-school-5th grade
Join us for this interactive journey! Get a travel pass, visit activity booths representing Israeli sites, have fun, and win prizes! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP NOW!
Youth Program - Making it Real: An Israel Adventure - Monday evening, April 23, 2018 from 7:30 pm-9:00 pm for 6th-8th graders
Come with your friends, and spend an evening talking and learning about Israel, enjoying great nosh, and creating unique booths for the YIPC JOURNEY TO ISRAEL program. Don't miss this great leadership opportunity! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP NOW!
PRE-PURIM DINNER: Please CLICK HERE to REGISTER BEFORE FEBRUARY 12, 2018. See flyer below for more information.
NEW! We ask that all children who attend our Shabbos morning youth groups be registered. Please click here to do so online.
CALLING ALL TEENAGERS! As we expand our youth offerings, and we continue to see growth in the Shul, we will be inviting new youth leaders to join our team. Any 7th or 8th graders are invited to apply to be leaders in training. High school students are invited to apply to be youth leaders. Please click here to submit an application.
Wed, February 19 2025
21 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharis : 6:15am |
Shacharis : 7:10am |
mincha maariv : 5:20pm |
Mincha/Maariv : 5:20pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 20 Parent-Child Challah Bake Thursday, Feb 20 5:15pm |
Mar 19 Dinner 2025 Wednesday, Mar 19 7:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Mishpatim
Shabbos Mevarchim
Shabbos, Feb 22 |
Update this content.
Today's Zmanim
Alos Hashachar | 5:24am |
Earliest Tallis | 5:55am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:46am |
Latest Shema | 9:28am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:22am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 12:11pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:38pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:20pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:28pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:36pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 6:17pm |
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