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Video Gallery


Yom HaShoah Commemoration with Mrs. Bronia Brandman - April 11, 2021



Shabbos Shuva 5781: The Covid Yom Kippur - Everyone Becomes a Kohein Gadol


YIPC Yamim Noraim Backstage Tour


YIPC 5780 Apart & Together

Coronavirus Challenges: Chizuk & Guidance


YIPC Youth: Chanuka 2019


TeshuvaTalks 2018: Rav Sobolofsky - Multiple Sounds, Multiple Messages - Shofar Blowing in Halacha and Machshava  1/2

TeshuvaTalks 2018: Rav Sobolofsky - Multiple Sounds, Multiple Messages - Shofar Blowing in Halacha and Machshava  2/2

YIPC 2018 Dinner Video in Honor of Adina and Shlomo Mermelstein

YIPC 2018: Year in Review

Yom HaShoah Commemoration with Mrs. Toby Levy - April 11, 2018


YIPC Back to the Shul Event 2017 (Girls) - Part 2

YIPC Back to the Shul Event 2017 (Girls) - Part 1

YIPC Back to the Shul Event 2017 (Boys) - Part 2

YIPC Back to the Shul Event 2017 (Boys) - Part 1

Rabbi David Pahmer - Solar Eclipse: A Brief Halachik/Hashkafic Overview

Yom Yerushalayim 2017: Singing HaTikvah at the conclusion of the program

Yom Yerushalayim 2017: Discussion between Rabbi Glasser and Mr. Dan Hoffman

Yom Yerushalayim 2017: Introductory Remarks by Rabbi Glasser

YIPC 2017 Dinner Video in Honor of Gila & Adam Negnewitzky


YIPC 2017 Dinner Video in Honor of Drs. Miriam & Carl Singer


YIPC 2017: Year in Review

Yom HaShoah Commemoration with Mrs. Sonia Klein. April 23, 2017

Rabbi Glasser Divrei Bracha at the JFS Breakfast


Year In Review



Annual Dinner Video - Honoring Rabbi & Rebetzin Glasser

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785