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Sukkos-Simchas Torah Reminders

Oct 23 - Hoshana Rabbah

Eruv Tavshilin

Oct 24 - Shmini Atzeres

Yizkor appeal: DONATION FORM

Tot Hakafos at 4:15pm

Oct 25 - Simchas Torah

Honor Rabbi Glasser with the kibbud of Chassan Torah: SPONSORSHIP FORM

Sponsor the Hakafos and Gala Kiddush: SPONSORSHIP FORM

Oct 26 - Shabbos Isru Chag

Siyum Tanach durig Neilias Hachag/Shalosh Seudos


WELCOME TO THE YOUNG ISRAEL OF PASSAIC-CLIFTON!                קול יעקב : לזכר נשמת יעקב בן חיים זאב בלאט ע׳׳ה  

For more than half a century, the Young Israel of Passaic-Clifton has been known as a welcoming community comprised of people devoted to Torah, Tefillah, Chesed, and valuing diversity.

Led by Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, we offer daily Minyanim, Shiurim throughout the week, a vibrant youth department (including Shabbos morning groups) and programming for the entire family.

We encourage you to experience our community first-hand, and look forward to welcoming you into our growing YIPC family.

To join our mailing list, please click here.

Please share information with us that should appear in the announcements!

Please note: If you would like to consider another sponsorship in honor of this event please visit our sponsorships page.

If your event fits none of these descriptions, use the box below to characterize it.


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785