Photo Albums
Yom HaShoah - 2016
The YIPC hosted a community-wide commemoration of Yom HaShoah with Rabbi Jacob Jungreis as the speaker.
(36 photos)
Chanukah Brunch - Dec 12th 2015
(158 photos)
Hachnasas Sefer Torah and Malava Malka
(140 photos)
Miriam Peretz
Miriam Peretz, mother of fallen Golani Brigade soldiers Uriel and Eliraz Peretz shares her story October 27, 2015
(4 photos)
Groundbreaking - November 3, 2013
(206 photos)
Fused Glass Mezuzah Event - 12/11/2016
(82 photos)
Chanukah Brunch -01/01/2017
(58 photos)
Purim 2017/5777
(36 photos)
Yom HaShoah 2017/5777
April 23, 2017. Featured Speaker: Mrs. Sonia Klein
(31 photos)
Yom Ha'Atzmaut 2017-5777
May 1, 2017
(35 photos)
Yom Yerushalayim 2017/5777
(6 photos)
Back to the Shul Event 2017
(29 photos)
Chanukah Party - 2017
Chanukah Party - 2017
(72 photos)
Pre-Purim Youth Event 2018
(70 photos)
Sun, January 19 2025 19 Teves 5785