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The Amazing Juggling Moish

Monday, February 18, 2019 13 Adar I 5779

1:30 PM - 2:45 PMYIPC Social Hall




The Amazing Juggling Moish Pre-Purim Celebration
Monday, February 18, 2019
(President's Day)
1:30-2:45 PM

Admission: YIPC members $5 (max of $20 per family)
Other guests: $8 (max of $32 per family)

All children must be accompanied by an adult. Adult seating will be in the rear of the room. 
(Adults accompanying children will not be charged for a seat.)
Program is geared towards preschool - 4th grade.
Please only bring children who can sit for a 1 hour program.
Advance registration required!


*** If you have an account on the portal, please log in prior to completing this transaction so that your payment can be associated to your account ***

Important: Your registration is not complete without completing the child information section below.
Please complete one line for each child attending by clicking repeatedly on the '+' sign
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