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Pre-Pesach Youth Event 5779

Thursday, April 18, 2019 13 Nisan 5779

9:00 AM - 12:00 PMYIPC Classrooms

Pre-Pesach Youth Event 5779


Pre Pesach Fun Day at YIPC!

Send your children to a morning of Pesach themed fun at the YIPC, while you get Pesach done!
On Thursday, April 18th, we will be having a blast in our youth rooms getting into the Pesach spirit!
Crafts, games, and lots of surprises!!

Children will be grouped by age with a great variety of super stimulating activities for each group. 

This is a drop off program available to children ages 3-5th grade.
Snack will be provided. (Please note that rooms will be chametz free.)

Hours: 9 AM - 12 PM

Cost: $12/ child; members up to $36.00/ family
$16/child - non members; up to $48.00/ family

Advance Registration is required!
Limited seats. Reserve yours today.


*** If you have an account on the portal, please log in prior to completing this transaction so that your payment can be associated to your account ***

Important: Your registration is not complete without completing the child information section below.
Please complete one line for each child attending by clicking repeatedly on the
'+' sign.
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