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Message from the Youth Committee - Shemini Atzeres 5777

Message to the Shul membership

Shmini Atzeres/Simchas Torah 5777


Dear YIPC Friends and Family,


Every year on Shmini Atzeres, the Shul makes an appeal in support of our Youth Department, which has flourished in our beautiful new building, and we would like to highlight some of our achievements over the past year, along with some plans for the future.


Our Shabbos morning groups, which permit children to be engaged in a fun, safe and inspiring Torah environment, are offered throughout the year (including Yomim Tovim and legal holiday weekends), and have been attracting approximately 60 children each week. We are truly gratified when we hear of children who want to come to shul, in part, because of our weekly groups, and we are constantly seeking to improve. To this end, on September 18th, we held our first ever “youth leader training seminar” to ensure that we continue to offer the best programming possible. Special thanks to Dr. Scott Goldberg and Mrs. Geula Zamist who focused our attention on many important issues.


On Chanukah, our annual brunch provided live entertainment to more than 50 children of all ages, and on Purim, our first ever “break-fast” made sure to include “kid friendly” treats that were enjoyed by children (and even some adults) of all ages!


Our Shavuos learning program for teens, youth and preschool age children, received participation from families throughout the broader Passaic-Clifton community, including many who had never before been in our Shul. It was truly inspirational to see the teenagers learning on the first night of Shavuos, and the younger children learning during the first afternoon.


Here is a brief review of our most recent activities:

  • On September 3rd (Shabbos P’ Re’eh), we had a special “Back to School / Rosh Chodesh Elul” ice cream party during Shabbos morning groups. More than 70 children enjoyed their frozen treats, and a good time was had by all. Special thanks to the Gildins for sponsoring the party, Deborah Weissmann for purchasing all the ice cream, and Paula Baumser for helping to coordinate the ice cream being served.
  • Also on September 3rd, Rabbi Glasser visited the morning groups (before the ice cream party) and spoke to the children about various aspects of Elul and Teshuva. Each group had their very own chance to hear from the Rabbi, and we hope we can do this more throughout the year.
  • On September 10th (Shabbos P’ Shoftim), we had a Shalosh Seudos/Oneg for girls (grades 6-8). More than 35 girls came and enjoyed the inspiring Dvar Torah from Rabbi Glasser, and then a special oneg led by Shoshana Mermelstein and Rivky Nissel. Special thanks to the Nissels for hosting the event, and Yashar Koach to Yakira Rothberger, Rina Giloni, and Rebecca Bral for their Divrei Torah.
  • Also on September 10th (Shabbos P’ Shoftim) the boys (grades 6-8) had an opportunity to have a Shalosh Seudos/Kumzitz as well. It took place in the shul, in the upstairs classrooms, and more than 25 boys enjoyed the Kumsitz, the special story by Rabbi Glasser, and Divrei Torah by Dovi Goldberg and Levi Adler. Also, they really, really, really (really!) enjoyed the Sushi! After it was done, the boys made their own Minyan for Maariv and had a musical Havdala with dancing. Special thanks to Moshe Stareshefsky for leading the Kumzitz, Shimmy Mensch for purchasing food and leading the overall Shalosh Seudos, and Eli Adler for bringing his guitar and making Havdala so memorable.
  • On Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur, we offered Round Robin Child Care for nearly 45 children age 2-12, which permitted their mothers to Daven in Shul. We thank Deborah Weissman for all of her efforts in coordinating this effort. At the same time, we were pleased to offer, for the first time, special programming for boys and girls (grades 1-5) on both days of Rosh Hashana. The programs were professionally run by Morah Aliza Davis, Morah Nikki Weiss and Shimmy Mensch, and we thank them for their efforts and hard work. It was truly amazing.

We have many events in the works as well, and we hope to see everyone on Shmini Atzeres afternoon at 4:00 PM for our special “Tot Hakafos” for children, which will be led by Rabbi Elie Rothberger.

In the coming year, we plan to broaden our programming to include a variety of social and educational programs. As a first start, please watch the announcements for special programming for teens which will take place after the Yomim Tovim.

Work is also progressing on creating a special “youth section” on our website, which will include contact information for the youth committee, schedules, listing of upcoming and past events, and a form whereby anyone may submit suggestions or feedback.

And much, much, more! We look forward to a fantastic year, and hope that you will consider supporting our incredible YIPC youth department!

Wishing everyone a Chag Sameach and an amazing year ahead,

The YIPC Youth Committee


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784